The clock on the wall
There is a clock on the wall in my bedroom. I see it as the first thing as soon as I open my eyes. The message, I dicern from
it, is reflected in the following poem.
Early in the morning when I open my eyes
The clock on the wall catches my sight
Non stop it goes on ticking
Journeying as if on some mission
Unmindful of the things around
Its hands continue moving round and round
At regular intervals it strikes a gong
As if announcing its success with a bang
Fascinated I continue to gaze
At this wonderful machine a little amazed
At the message it leaves for every one
That not to view it as a fun
And deep in my mind I do realise
That like it we can also regulate our lives
Setting for ourselves definite goals
Go to achieve them with efforts whole
Crossing milestone after milestone on road to our aims
Without playing any diversionary games
Oblivious to the setbacks and hidden snags
Not allow our spirit to sag
Till we attain what we are set to achieve
And thus making the whole world believe
That earnest efforts never go waste
Bringing you the fruits of success to taste
Ved Mahajan