Category: Canberra100

catering social, welfare and cultural needs of seniors of Indian cultural background


A Journey – Canberra 100

 {tab Canberra in 1912}     {tab Canberra in 1913}       {tab Canberra in 2013}      {/tabs}

Timeline: India-Australia Interface

BACKGROUND   “Until quite recently,” write Thorn and Raymond “the true dimension of these [of Homo sapiens – the modern man of Asia] achievements were barely appreciated.  The domination of Western culture and technology in human affairs over the past 500 years had one insidious side effect – it lulled the Western mind into an…
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History of Indian Ships

By Shibu Dutta   In India, I think, there is not much attention given to water transport before Indus Valley era.  And even after that not much is known about any sea-venture in early periods.  One Japanese professor, while giving a talk on present politics of India said that India was, and still is, the…
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Prologue to first hundred year of Canberra

First 100 years of Canberra is now being celebrated but that is no excuse to ignore what happened before that or try to establish foundation for establishing Canberra in this fire-prone, hostile and fragile environment.  It was in 1606 when the Dutch ship Duyfken* sailed into the unknown land which was to be known later…
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